Sunday, March 1, 2009


Saturday Luke had a Lacrosse double-header, they lost, but Luke played really great, agressive games--it was fun to watch him let loose and eventually end up in the penalty box! He's number 14, and no, those guys weren't able to stop him.
He had some furious runs down the field (he was playing middy). His dad caught one on film so I'll post it as soon as he sends it our way.

All I can say is don't get in his way! His family flew into town to watch and it was awesome to hang out with them this weekend--especially the free food part.


Block Party said...

i expected to hear how bad the LAX airport is, much better to hear about working on kickin butt!

Ryan and Megan said...

Ab, yes... this is kind of pathetic but I have never witnessed a lacrosse game! I want to watch one of Luke's sometime. I wish that he'd still consider being a professional player. Maybe I can talk Ryan into being a pro golfer. THEN you and I could occasionally make appearances at their competitions wearing our oversized sun glasses and sporting our perfect hair. Mostly though we could just watch them on the big screen from our favorite spas. Do you like that idea? We are such trophy wives.

abichristi said...

I miss you Meggy! The field they were playing on is part of a campground/park---so I decided next game I'm pitching our tent and making a campfire to watch from. Not a spa, but a poor-man's spa? At least at a campfire we can have smores.