Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feasting at the Country Club, Every Weekend!

Yes, we frequent the Lexington Golf and Country Club quite regularly, in black slacks, white shirts, and ties...in the form of waitstaff for weekend banquets. Its turned out to be a great job for me and convienent second job for Luke, who works at Radio Shack. We make great tip money---'cause the food is gormet and everyone drinks up a storm, get to eat whatever we want, and get to take home all the pretty floral arrangements (I'm most excited about that part). It's also a great job during college 'cause it convinces you to stay in school---after finishing at 2 am taking down the room and then putting it all back up for a different occassion there's no way I would want to have to do this for the rest of my life! But we've got down all the different formal table settings (the coffee cup handle points to 5 o'clock), and its interesting getting to see how the kitchen functions. If I ever do become a chef I'll definitely specialize in pastry, and Luke's a perfectionist when it comes to meat---how about that for a restaurant, cake and steak! Yeah, we waited a wedding last Saturday and I was most excited about the cake, Luke brought home brisket...

Friday, September 19, 2008

We Graduated to a U-Haul

So previously every time we've moved across country we've been able to fit everything in the back of the truck, but this time we had to get a U-Haul...it feels so different almost restrictive 'cause now we have all this stuff (which I obviously really enjoy--the bed, couch, table, ect...) but stuff is such a bother! It's so different than living out of a duffel bag, I might prefer that, but like I said I REALLY like my stuff...So all that aside we made it out here with trailer, motorcycles, dog and all, pulled up to our house after midnight and finished unloading at 3 am. I hated all the furniture then---do we really need a couch, a mattress, I can sleep on the floor! But sitting in a nice comfy chair now---yeah, it was worth it. But then again at the end of the year when we move again...
I don't know where all these random thoughts are going, I'm just waiting for Luke to get home from work, and I'm avoiding homework.
Oh, I'm in a yoga class--I love it, but now I have a mat, blocks, and a yoga belt---more stuff!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Adventures of Abby and Luke

This is a fun internet toy. It makes you grateful for where you've been, but also anxious to go travel. See how well you know us. Who's been and lived where?