Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Missing Megagail

So we haven't posted for a loong time and as I was about to start catching up I saw this picture of my best friend Megan and decided she needed to know just how much I miss her! Megagail is what we called the orchard inbetween houses where we always met up (mostly before we could drive, but it has always remained a special place). I miss those summers meeting up on bike or canoe and later taking off in our volvos. Megan, there is no one like you, you are the best, and I can't wait to see you again!
The above is a pic. from a visit back in May. Looking at it I found some other pregnancy pictures that I never posted, even though I was asked. So even though they are irrelevant now, I was feeling sentimental (or something!) so I decided to post anyway--just for the heck of it---mostly for the record I guess.
Eight months.

One of the only profiles I posed for.

Two days overdue. Dean was such a punk---guess he was just too comfortable.

1 comment:

Ryan and Megan said...

Ab, you're checks in the mail for saying all of those nice things about me. I LOVE YOU!!!!! I miss you like crazy, do you want to come over and make music video's later?? Can we please live on the same side of the country one day?? I am so lucky to have such an amazing, gorgeous, talented best friend!